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Developing Healthcare Leaders

Early Leadership Development for Managers of Frontline Healthcare Teams

The program has been developed for line Managers of frontline healthcare teams, in partnership with the East Midlands Alliance. It fills a gap in early leadership development, offering an innovative, engaging and interactive learning experience.  

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This has program has made me a better leader

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Program Participant, August 2023

The program combines practical experience with new thinking and reflection,  enabling participants to relate to themselves, the people around them, and their environment differently. Engagement, sense of belonging and fulfilment in their roles are key outcomes.



The program has been developed for line managers and is fully aligned with the principles and practices of the successful Developing Healthcare Talent program for Healthcare Support Workers.


  • Develop an effective and inspiring management and leadership approach

  • Learn innovative, proactive practices and expand core skills & competencies


With minimum demand on their time, participants are able to relate to themselves, the people around them, and their environment differently, developing their mindset and embracing the leadership role.
The program sessions focus on core competencies such as communication, relatedness, listening, enquiry and collaborative working, blended with developing an effective and innovative management approach. The result is the emergence of new possibilities for participants, everyone they look after, their teams and their organisation.

Participants’ self-assessed abilities and practices, across 10 main dimensions, 100% of participants improved or significantly improved, including:

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Awareness of myself and my responses: 93% improved or significantly improved

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my ability to develop positive relationships: 90% improved or significantly improved their ability to develop positive relationships

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87% improved or significantly improved their resilience: 'understanding how to better support my personal resilience'

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87% improved or significantly improved communications skills at work: 'my ability to communicate effectively'

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87% improved or significantly improved: 'my ability to listen deeply and attentively to other people at work’

from cohorts ending between May 2023 and August 2024

Case Study: East Midlands Alliance

 Developing Healthcare Leaders, a professional development and readiness for leadership programme for Clinical Support Worker (CSW) Managers, has been successful in filling a gap in leadership development for the Band 5/6 workforce for mental health and community Trusts across the East Midlands.

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front page of East Midlands Alliance case study document
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It's been an amazing eye and mind opening experience

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Developing Healthcare Leaders Participant, May 2023

Participant feedback chart @Having completed the program, please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: 1 being "I completely disagree" and 5 being "I completely agree"
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Feedback Report

We are pleased to share the full participant feedback from an earlier cohort of the program for Managers of Clinical Support Workers, in partnership with 5 leading NHS Trusts in the Midlands:

  • Participants: 18 Managers (Band 5/6)

  • Duration: 22 weeks (April 23 – July 23)

The feedback was collected anonymously, via Survey Monkey, on completion of the program. All participants gave consent to sharing their anonymised feedback.

The whole program has impacted me for the better.

I'm a better listener, I better understand my biases and other people's perspective.

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Developing Healthcare Leaders Participant, May 2023

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