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Developing Healthcare Talent

An Engagement, Development, and Wellbeing Program for Healthcare Support Workers, Care Navigators and other Unregistered Healthcare Professionals

The Client

An Alliance of 6 leading Mental Health, Learning Disability and Community providers 

The Purpose

  • Engaging, developing and supporting Healthcare Support Workers, in an innovative way 

  • Making them feel valued, by investing in their development in a way not done before 

  • Encouraging a long-term career pathway, helping them to think differently about their personal and professional development 

  • Supporting the attraction of fresh talent into the role, by demonstrating strong commitment to their wellbeing and development  

The Program

In consultation with the client, we designed a CPD accredited program that makes minimum demand on participants' time. The agreed objectives included establishing a new set of skills, a fresh mindset, and an accompanying set of innovative practices such as becoming proactive, rather than simply responding to circumstances.
The first few weeks, are about offering all participants a unique personal and professional learning experience, developing and restoring essential skills for any Healthcare Support Worker – from active listening to effective communication, from self-awareness to resilience and self-motivation  
The second part of the program focuses on teams, patients and everyone around us, introducing core abilities and practices for becoming comfortable and succeeding in complex healthcare communities – from connection and relatedness, to belonging and feeling valued. 
The program leads participants, with minimum demand on their time, to establish a new set of skills, a fresh mindset and an accompanying set of innovative practices that are proactive, rather than simply responding to circumstances. The benefits to participants, their peers and their communities are long lasting, well beyond the participation in the program. 
All that is required to attend the program is to have access to a device with a camera and microphone, be able to create a quiet, private space to engage in the program sessions and be able to access MS teams. 
Hundreds of participants have successfully completed the program, since early 2022: 


  • Mixed cohorts of up to 20 participants to share experiences across different Trusts 

  • Practice partners – to share the journey, because peer support is essential and also very enjoyable 

  • Our most experienced program leaders delivering 8 highly popular on-line sessions (1.5hrs), over 10-14 weeks  

  • A safe space, for everyone to open-up, listen, contribute and enjoy 

  • Minimising impact on work schedules and rotas for all participants 

  • A sense of community, supported by private social media groups, to inspire and engage 

  • A CPD certificate of completion, leading to more opportunities for professional and career development 

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It is helping me to embrace my differences and use them as an asset

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July 2024

The Outcome

  • 97% average attendance, accounting for planned absences 

  • 95% completion rate 

  • Participants almost unanimously recommending the program to colleagues 

Participants’ self-assessed abilities and practices, across 10 main dimensions, mostly improved or significantly improved, including:  

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94% improved or significantly improved awareness 'of myself and my responses'

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90% improved or significantly improved 'my ability to listen deeply and attentively to other people at work'

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88% improved or significantly improved: 'my ability to communicate effectively'

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94% improved or significantly improved compassion ‘towards myself and others’

taken from cohorts between July 2022 - October 2024


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91% agreed or completely agreed: 'I learned something about myself' and 'The sessions were useful and valuable'


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82.25% Actual Attendance (91.75% adjusted)


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89% agreed or completely agreed they would 'recommend the program to colleagues'

I think this is an amazing program that would benefit so many of those in health care

Program Participant, May 2024

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