FAQs for program participants
Q. How do I find out dates and register for a program?
A. Book an onboarding call with our team by emailing team@talentforcare.uk - we will answer all your questions and complete your registration with you.
Q. Why are there no costs advertised for the programs?
A. The programs are free for end users and paid for by your organisation, as an investment in you, your wellbeing and your development.
Q. Where can I find out more information regarding the time commitment for a program?
A. Time commitment to programs is fully proportionate to the limited availability of front line teams. You can email team@talentforcare.uk, and we can send you a brochure for your specific program.
Q. I am on a program but cant find my session call link, how do I get hold of this?
A. You would have been sent a call link as a meeting invite for all of your cohort sessions, so these should automatically be in your work calendar. Failing this, if you email team@talentforcare.uk, we can send you your call link asap.
If you have any other questions or reason to get hold of Talent for Care, please email team@talentforcare.uk and your correspondence will be dealt with as a matter of importance.