Developing Healthcare Talent for Care Navigators Program
An Innovative Development and Peer-Learning Program for Care Navigators
The Client
A leading cancer alliance in the West Midlands.
The Challenge
Acknowledging the specific dynamics and challenges of the Care Navigator role and its complex cancer and diagnostics context
Further developing essential core skills in communication, listening, effective team work and self-leadership
Investing in their development in an innovative way to spark a sense of being valued and belonging to their organisation
Encouraging a long-term career pathway, helping them to think differently about their personal and professional development
The Program
Developing Healthcare Talent for Care Navigators has been specifically developed for Care Navigators across the West Midlands Cancer Alliance, aligned with local and national frameworks. It aims to further develop and expand core skills and competencies, supporting participants in their personal and professional development within a collaborative peer-learning network.

The programme has been a great experience, as all that I have learnt and experienced will inform and shape my practice as a care navigator going forward.

The program offers participants a unique learning experience, developing skills and understanding in:
Active listening and effective communication
Empathy and compassion
Resilience and self-awareness
Effective teamwork
Creating relatedness and belonging and more.
Through experiential learning, reflective practice, interactive live sessions on MS Teams, and bridging practices with peer groups linking the sessions together, the program builds connectedness and belonging whilst having minimum demand on participants’ time.
The program provides an opportunity for participants to:
Feel valued
Pause and reflect
Connect with colleagues
Be heard and hear others
Enquire about new ways of thinking
Link theory and learning to ongoing practice
Be part of an inclusive, collaborative community
Feedback and Data

88% improved or significantly improved their awareness (of myself and my responses)

74% improved or significantly improved their resilience (understanding how to better support my personal resilience)

82% improved or significantly improved their listening (my ability to listen deeply and attentively to other people at work)

75% improved or significantly improved their ability to communicate effectively

Difficult Conversations
72% improved or significantly improved their ability to communicate effectively in a difficult conversation
from cohorts finishing in June 2023 - July 2024

3 in 4 Recommended 'I would recommend the program to my colleagues'

78% Agreed or completely agreed:
Participating in this program has made me feel like a valued member of the organisation

94% adjusted attendance (76% actual Attendance, 18% apologies)

65% Improved or Significantly improved:
my sense of connection to myself, my team and the organisation